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Character - James Bond

Character - James Bond

Current search experience for characters like James Bond or Harry Potter will show mostly video or book products even though there are products in nearly every category. By federating the results this way, it allows users to explore the breadth of the catalog. In addition, by collapsing digital and physical products, it allows us to personalize content to show the customers their preferred product type.

Person/Artist - Steve Martin

Person/Artist - Steve Martin

Someone like Steve Martin, who is an actor, author & musician can have a confused experience. Most people know him as an actor, but the result the comes up towards the top is an Edie Brickell music album because he played banjo with her recently. This type of display allows us to take advantage of combined assets (IMDB is an Amazon property). Also, by placing a Steve Martin info block at the top of the page, you are reassuring the user you know what they are asking for.

Series Data - Anita Blake

Series Data - Anita Blake

When someone searches for a book or movies series, the results are presented out of order because they are sorted by relevance. This design shows the full series, in order. After that, We are showing the author, another series by that author, and then other books that you may enjoy if you like that series. All of this fits in the space of 3 books in the regular search results.

Query Disambiguation

Query Disambiguation

For queries where the customer intent is unclear, the results are often not what the customer was hoping for. This is a concept I pitched that would give the user a glimpse into a more specific query or category.

Save for Later

Save for Later

In many customer emails and usability research projects, we found that for big ticket items like electronics, they would take more time shopping before making a final decision. Customers were constantly looking for ways to save potential items, sometimes adding to cart items they aren't sure they want to buy, sometimes adding to wish list. The "Save for Later" gives the customer the option to not put the item in any permanent location, but give them a temperary holding place that

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